We continue with our meditations in The Book of Daniel, as we continue to dig deeper into verse 13 of Chapter 10. It reads,
"But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia."
O what difference it would have made for the Israelites if, like Elijah, they realized God is not in "the great and strong wind," "the earthquake," "the thunderings and lightnings," "the fire," and "the smoke." [1 Kings 19:11-13; Exodus 19:16-20] O what difference it will make for each one of us, today, if we can go beyond the veil of religion to see God as He is.
The question then begs why God puts up this front. The answer should not be farfetched in all we have been touching on so far. It is for our own good and preservation, lest we take Him for granted and provoke His wroth. He is the thrice Holy God and He will not give that to dogs, nor pigs. [Matthew 7:6]
All the winds and waves seen on surface does not get to the heart of the sea, where there is calmness. That is where God wants us to be, in His heart. He does not want any of the noises stand in our way of worship. He wants us to come beyond the veils into the Holy of Holies, the Holiest of all to worship.
Jesus did not die so we might remain outer, nor inner court worshippers. No! No! No! He died that we might come freely into "The throne Room" to worship. [Hebrews 4:16; 2 Corinthians 3:11-14] Abraham and Moses found their way there. God called them His friend. [2 Chronicles 20:7; Exodus 33:11; Deuteronomy 34:10] David did. He was called "a man after God's heart."
These are examples for us to follow, not idols to worship. God wants to call each one of us His friend, and a person after His own heart. [1 Corinthians 10:6-11] That is why Jesus came, died, rose and ascended into Heaven. This is why the veil was torn. Jesus is our peace, who has broken down every wall of limitation, and alienation. We are without excuse.
The Saint.
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