Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Who Did You Marry? (Part Four)

Now, I know some of you might have been through the worst nightmare imaginable to man. That, however, does not make your case irredeemable. You are not the first, and you will not be the last to have gone through such. Others have been there and have made something useful with their lives. You are no exception. The only question is what is your response? Are you willing to live yet again? Are you willing to heal?

Those who have healed have given the right definition of their pain. (Did you know you have the power to do that? You can define your pain in a way that empowers you, rather than allows it to define you. You’ve got the power, why are you not using it?) Life happens to us all. Those who win and overcome have defined it as that which happened for them, and not necessarily to them, nor against them. 

Can you believe there is an advantage in your disadvantage? Can you believe there is power in your pain? Can you believe there is beauty in the unimaginable circumstance you’ve been through? Can you believe it is and can work for you, in the today and tomorrows of your life? Aren’t you wiser? Don’t you know better? Aren’t you stronger? Don’t you have a new resolve to live by? 

Having been to the very bottom, is there any other thing you can’t handle? What are you doing with all these? You got treasures from your pains. Don’t let any self-pity deny you of those. It is time to pick up your broken pieces and make masterpieces out of them. There is life after your pain. There is a life after your death experience. It is never over until you fail to try (start) again. The onus is on you. 

What are you doing with this life you have been given?

© 2015 Akin Akinbodunse.

Links to Series:
Who Did You Marry? (Part Three)

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