Saturday, 4 September 2021

You Are A Brand.

“You as a brand have to be completely confident about your position, because you will get criticism. You will have a negative reaction. If you didn’t get a negative reaction, that means you’re standing neutral and you have no point of view. Who wants to participate in that?” ― Frank Cooper, Pepsico.

Are you confident in your brand? Do you even know you have a brand? Do you have a brand? Do you have something you stand for, something your life is about, something you believe strongly in?

All truths will be tested. All beliefs will be tested. All faith will be tested. All brands will be tested. The test is not the question. The true question is will you be proven by the test positively, or negatively. Only you can answer that. Only you can prepare for that.

The ball is in your court. How are you playing? How are you going to play?

Much Love always.
St. Akin de Great.

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