Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Received Not For What I Did or Do:

Saved by the Cross plus Nothing.

How much good works did the theft on the cross have to enter into paradise? How much good works did the prodigal son have to be received back by his father? (It sure blew the mind of the elder brother. Just how many more elder brothers fill our churches and gatherings today?) 

How much good works did the Syro-Phoenician woman have to get healing for her daughter? (She did not even belong to the commonwealth of Israel.) And what about the woman bent over in the temple? What was Jesus' basis of healing her – her good works, or because she was a daughter of Abraham?

So, where did we get the labor mentality? This you must evangelize for God to bless you, etc. We are found preaching our own gospel. Sure not that of Christ. We are found making slaves of the people of God out of our deep carnality. We wear the supposed clothing of ministers but are wolf and hirelings at heart.

Shame on us. Having started in the spirit, we are all about building our own kingdom. May God forgive our foolishness and save our poor souls. It is never about us. It is all about Him who has called us to salvation. Only the cross saves us. Only the cross upholds us. It is the cross plus nothing. Let God be true and every other person a liar, even your pastor, big-shot or small-shot.

Still Loving You.
St. Akin de Great.

© 2017 Akin Akinbodunse

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