Sunday, 20 September 2020

The Power in You (A Personal Testimony) — Part Seven.

Why Me?

The Lord, Our Secret Weapon:

That brings to mind our Lord's Prayer. Jesus teaches us to pray, "...lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." [Matthew 6:13] You do understand that is wrong for English to have "not" and "but"in the same sentence referring to the same thing. Right? Try rephrasing that for any other topic that might come to mind, and you'll discover how out of place it is. 

More so you'll never find a supporting scripture for the prayer, "...lead us not into temptation." It is foreign to the counsel of scripture. One, you can never pray away temptation or trial. They are a normal part of the process of life. You cannot pray to determine the kind of trial that will come your way. That is under the "law of sowing and reaping" and the future your destiny is calling out to and or for.

And, when the trial comes, you sure don't want to go it without God. You sure don't want to navigate it without the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit to warmth and to guide. The scripture tells us of Christ that he was LED into the wilderness to be tempted. [Matthew 4:1] You sure don't want to go where the Holy Spirit does not go with you. He is our comforter and power source.

Moses knows a thing or two about this. He was going nowhere if God was not going with them. [Exodus 33] Verse 14 reveals why, and the difference His presence makes in trial or temptation. "And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”" (Exodus 33:14) Wow! Calmness in the midst of trouble all around; an anchor to keep the station in the middle of contrary wind, waves, and swells. 

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