Friday, 12 June 2020

Wealth is Power

I Got the Power
Wealth brings you to a place of independence. You can do the things you want to do when you want to. You make your own decisions and are responsible for them. You are no more working for money; rather money is working for you. As a friend of mine once remarked,
“I have figured money out. I can never be poor again.”
Money truly answers all things. Yet, wealth is more than mere money. It is the abundant provision of valuable resources as at when needed or wanted, without it running out. Resources here include physical (tangible and intangible valuables, health, soundness, etc.); emotional (friendship, family, connections, networks, etc.); and psychological or spiritual (a sense of inner peace – wholeness).

Another word for wealth is the word “Prosperity,” which can literally be defined as “being in the flow.” It is being in the flow of valuable resources. The scriptures depict this vividly in Psalm 1:3. It reads,
“You are like a tree, planted by flowing, cool streams of water that never run dry. Your fruit ripens in its time; your leaves never fade or curl in the summer sun. No matter what you do, you prosper.”
This is God’s desire for you and me. Will you agree with Him? Will you take that which God has for you?

It is time to work in our inheritance. This truly is power. And, it makes many things possible.

© 2020 Akin Akinbodunse

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