A Holy Alliance |
Confederation of Aliens
Men and women are created differently. Figuratively, they could be said to come from two different planets. Men from Mars, and women from Venus. Yet, they have but found themselves here, on planet earth, and in need of living together in unity and peace, for the good and progress of all.Martians: Gladiators from Mars
Men are created roughly on the edges, for external, physically visible, active strength. They are crafted for work, howbeit physically oriented work. The man was created with God in mind. He was created to worship and serve. That is his design and original programming. This programming is expected to have been reinforced by the parenting and mentoring of a father (authority) figure in his life as he comes to maturity.
Venerians: Amazons from Venus
All who have taken her for granted, have done so only to the detriment of their own soul. She might not be able to lift physical weights. Don’t belittle her. Big and mighty things don’t come in big and mighty packages. They come in small, seeming insignificant embodying. Don’t judge a book by its cover is the age-old saying of the wise. How so very true it is in this case, just as well.
Any "doubting Thomas" out there? Maybe switching places in childbirth might convince you. Having to carry, and have another new life develop within you for nine (9) whole months. A man will simply go bonkers. Not to talk of the pain of childbirth, the decibels only a few men might have ever known.
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Venerian vs Martian |
Created for Service
The Creator sure balanced His endowment between the man and the woman. What one lacks the other compensates for. Each unique in his or her special way. Hence, the foolishness of a movement that seeks to make a man out of a woman, or a woman out of a man.
The Beauty of the Garden
There is nothing in a man that a woman needs in her makeup to be complete. She is complete already. She was complete on arrival, fully kitted with all the features and hormones to go to work as at when due. Glamorization and abuse of the chauvinistic spirit is no excuse for discontent. More like the “Black lives Matter” issue today. Should we then create a “Caucasian conversion machines or hormones?”
Of course, not. The Creator created the beauty of a garden. The beauty of a garden, the work of the gardener, is accentuated by the right amount of variety of flowers. There is beauty in variety. There is beauty in diversity.
Our strength is optimized in our Diversity and Inclusion, no one excluded, nor left behind. It is in each one being single, maturely accepting of themselves and others. Respecting and harnessing each one’s strengths and being a cover for the weaknesses.
Equals at the Table
Marriage is between two wholes (not halves, at least not from a classical, nor idealistic point of view), independent man and woman, who are equal, and can live comfortably on their own, choosing to combine forces and arsenal together as one in continuing the journey of life. It is an exercise of the freewill in coming into an agreement to take life to another level.
The Hunter and His Price
A man indeed is one who gives the right treasure to his price. He sees his destiny in his price. And, gives special attention to his hunting. For, as the Holy Book says, “He who finds a wife (not a girl, nor a prostitute) finds a GOOD THING and obtains FAVOR from the Lord.” Only fools will take that for granted.
A woman is made the price of a man's hunting. Wow! Such attention and thought that was put into fashioning out woman (a man with a womb and rightly sized breast). God had to outdo Himself here. After, each creation, He had hitherto said, “it was good.” But how does “it was good” look like? What represents the deep emotions and the joy of God’s heart in creation? What could speak without words?
How "It is Good" Looks
I can just imagine why and how Adam was lost for words when he first saw Eve. He started speaking in strange tongues. He saw glory. He saw beauty. He was swallowed up in her. He was consumed by her radiance. All his strength surrendered to what he saw. He who exemplified strength became a weakling to her who exemplified weakness. That is God.
Feels Like Heaven |
"A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction.”— Oscar Wilde
A Place of Refuge
If only women know how much strength and influence they have over men, they'll be filled with praise and thanksgiving all the days of their life. A few do though, and some abuse it. Therein is the genesis of the hunter-woman, an aberration, yet so powerful. Used in the marriage setting, it is a source of life, favor, and everything good.
A woman who knows her place and her strength knows she is an epitome of strength and power. She is a precious crowning jewel of inestimable worth, for which the man exhibits all is man-ness to get.
© 2020 Akin Akinbodunse
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