To what shall I compare you? You came and you are done in a flash. Only like yesterday I welcomed you, and it is already your last day. No wonder James tells us, “It [Life] is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” (James 4:14b, NKJV) This is so true. The Psalmist buttress this by saying, “As for man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.” (Psalm 103:15-16, NKJV)
That is why we are admonished to make each day count. No day is useless. Nothing in life is useless. There is a purpose; there is a plan in EVERY EVENT and HAPPENING of life. Let us be careful not to give heed to the human tendency to want to postpone living. The life we have is the TODAY of our life. If you ever want to be happy, be happy today. If you ever want to be useful, be useful today. If you ever want to be a blessing, be a blessing today.
Start where you are. Don’t wait till when you think the conditions are favorable. They might never be. It might just be up to you to make them be, if they will ever be. Start today putting one block on top of another. That is all life expects of you. Start where you can. Start where you are. Make the best of the life you have been given, not the one you have not been given. I see you on the other side, and you look glorious.
Okay July, it’s been a great time of fellowship. See you in a year’s time.

That is why we are admonished to make each day count. No day is useless. Nothing in life is useless. There is a purpose; there is a plan in EVERY EVENT and HAPPENING of life. Let us be careful not to give heed to the human tendency to want to postpone living. The life we have is the TODAY of our life. If you ever want to be happy, be happy today. If you ever want to be useful, be useful today. If you ever want to be a blessing, be a blessing today.
Start where you are. Don’t wait till when you think the conditions are favorable. They might never be. It might just be up to you to make them be, if they will ever be. Start today putting one block on top of another. That is all life expects of you. Start where you can. Start where you are. Make the best of the life you have been given, not the one you have not been given. I see you on the other side, and you look glorious.
Okay July, it’s been a great time of fellowship. See you in a year’s time.

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