Sunday, 16 April 2017

Will You Wait? (Part Eight)

When life hits you like a bad dream, what will you do? Will you, like Peter, seek for God’s light and wait on Him? Or, will you reach an immediate decision to desert? Will you let life define your God? Or, will you define life by the truth of His person and His word? [Numbers 13:33, 14:9] Life happens to us all. It is never to defeat us. It is always to make us stronger. It is always to make us more focused. It is always to drive us in the direction of our destiny. It is always for us, never against us, if only we use it.

The way of victory, the way of life, is to ALWAYS wait on God. [Isaiah 40:31; 30:15] He never loses control. He reigns. He reigns in the affairs of men. [Daniel 4:17] Even in the midst of chaos, He has everything under control. And, not only that, He has already made every provision for our breakthrough. For, He never starts a thing until He has first finished it. He is NEVER CAUGHT UNAWARES. [Isaiah 46:10; Romans 4:17, 8:28-30; Ephesians 1:4; Hebrews 10:7]

Let God be true, but every man (circumstance, challenge, thing – visible or invisible) a liar [Romans 3:4] He’s got you. He’s got everything that concerns you under control. And, He is bringing you to your large wealthy place. [2 Samuel 22:20; John 10:10] Weeping may endure for the night, but joy surely comes in the morning [Psalm 30:5]. There is resurrection for us, only if we wait. There is life; there is resurrection on the other side of death.

Here is wishing you a very Happy Resurrection Sunday. He is Risen. Yes, He is risen indeed.

Will you let Him rise also in you?

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