QUESTION:I really want to get married with the woman that I prayed for but it didn't happen, because she has no love for me. I prayed for her so long, but it's no effect. I am so dismayed. I want to marry her, and I want her to be my wife so badly. Can someone help me on this pls?
ANSWER:It is okay to be in love with someone and pray for the person. However, a relationship involves love from the two persons involved. God is not going to force you on anyone, nor will He force anyone on you. If you love and want her to be your wife, then you need to become the kind of person she wants or will want. Life does not give us just what we want or wish for. Life gives us what we demand for by who we are and are becoming. That is why the scriptures admonishes us to seek first the kingdom and its righteousness. The person we become as we seek is who will attract and bring our way all the other riches of life.
So, the first person to work on is yourself. Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe you are worthy of her? Can you be her friend? Will she want to have you as a friend? Do you know how to relate with her? Do you know who she is and the things that work for her? Can you sync with her rhythm? Do you know all that you want of a woman and why? Do you know all that such a person will want? Do you meet these requirements, and/or are you willing to? So, as you pray, work on your own self, answering these questions and others. The person you become will get you the person you truly desire. It might be her or someone better.
© 2016 Akin Akinbodunse.
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Questions and Answers (Two): Right Partner?
Questions and Answers (Two): Right Partner?
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