Thursday, 8 February 2018

Questions and Answers (Thirty Two): Christ Our Sufficency

Trusting God (Part Five): Christ Our Sufficiency
Sometimes it’s really hard to trust after so many days of prayers and believing for something and at end you didn't get answers. I really feel abandoned. I mean you have been praying for this particular thing for years, and this is one of the basics in life. Please sir may be I can get some more idea of different ways of trusting from you. ― RH (Lagos, Nigeria)

What is it about man that makes him think he has to suffer to gain God’s attention and/or approval? What is it about him that makes him think things have to be difficult before they can be considered godly? We sure don’t learn these from God. We don’t learn these from the word of life. These are mere concoctions of men to feed their ego. They seek to deserve that which God freely gives. Oh, what foolishness, and exercise in futility. Rather than believing and trusting God, they are motivated by their pride, and sense of wanting to be in control. (In some cases, these are put together to gain control over others – placing men whom God has set free back under bondage.)

As Papa Hagin (Kenneth E. Hagin) once said, “we have too many ‘Cross Christians.’” All their focus is on suffering. All their focus is on THE CROSS, but that is not where the story ends. Jesus is no more on the cross. He died. He was buried. And, that is not where the story ends. There was/is RESURRECTION MORNING – the place of our victory. Hallelujah! And, that is not where the story ends either. There is PENTECOST DAY – when we received the fullness of grace in the Holy Spirit. And, that is not where the story ends, CHRIST ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN, AND WE ARE SEATED WITH HIM (not that we are going to; we are, present continuous tense) IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES…. HALLELUJAH!

All we have ever needed is Christ. All we need is Christ. All we will ever need is Christ. CHRIST AND CHRIST ALONE IS HE WHO SAVED US - Not our good works, or supposed “holy” suffering(s). Christ and Christ alone is He who sustains us, and brings us into the fullness of the kingdom. Christ and Christ alone is he who will take us home, bringing us to the fullness of salvation. We are complete in Christ. His sacrifice met the full requirement.

Our place is to trust and rest in Him. He is ALL that we need to receive from the Father. In Him we are accepted. In Him we have entrance to the Father. If God could give Christ, what else will He not give? Rest my brother, rest. Rest my sister, rest. We have confidence before the Father.


SCRIPTURES: Galatians 5:1; Colossians 2:9-23; John 19:30; Hebrews 12:1-2; Ephesians 2:4-9; John 16:24; Hebrews 4:14-16; Romans 8:32.

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